is one of the very few construction companies in the world that focuses on a better and cleaner tomorrow, at GBC the prime focus is to bring about the best and easily affordable construction concepts into the market, our team of highly innovative engineers strive to achieve that best solutions in cutting down the air, sound and environment pollution to the bare minimum, our form of construction reduces the period of construction by two third to half the time required in a conventional form of building construction, the following are few of the benefits from our green building concept.
- Construction Speed and Quality
- Sustainability
- Affordability and Availability
- Environmentally friendly and safe
Creative designs and builds green buildings, both commercial and residential.
Environmentally Friendly Construction Method incorporates the use of HRS and CFS/LGS material for structural elements and walls.
All structural elements are of HRS, we have now introduced the G-Wall concept, this concept is of walls of high compression strength and U-value, environmentally friendly, cost effective (from low wastage of material) and above all the fastest form of construction.
The G-Wall has various designs that cater to solutions for external walls, internal walls, partition walls as well as load bearing walls, a similar composite concept has been innovated as floor and roof solutions, Green Building Dubai to provide the required load capacities as well as address any vibration on the floor top.